Workplace Communication Shift: Techniques to Enhance Inclusion and Belonging                                                 

“To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others.” -Tony Robbins

As the workplace and the world become more personally connected, we found that our professional interactions extend far beyond the local sectors we were once familiar with. We’re now part of a macro-community, an interconnected world. We find ourselves in professional interactions and collaboration projects with individuals whose backgrounds and perspectives are increasingly different than our own. I will address the importance and benefits of navigating these diverse settings gracefully and effectively.

The Rationale

There is an increased complexity of our professional interactions, a reality we can’t ignore. As companies consolidate and our networks expand, leadership and professionals must understand that embracing diverse perspectives is beneficial and essential. It’s necessary because the expectation of productivity will not diminish; we will always need efficient processes and people collaboration. There must be an acknowledgment and realization to incorporating a communication shift; our colleagues now may have varied backgrounds. From a generational context, we have five generations working together in the same workplace for the first time in history. That alone causes a pause in creating new ways to learn to communicate. Our styles will probably have to change for improved clarity in our interactions with colleagues. The ability to effectively communicate in the workplace is an even more critical skill today than ever before.

The Benefit

Embracing empathic communication with your stakeholders (e.g., colleagues and customers) isn’t just about being polite; there are tangible benefits to improving your ability to understand each other’s viewpoints.

  1. Enhanced EQ (Emotional Intelligence) and Collaboration: One of the remarkable benefits of embracing awareness of a multifaced perspective is the ability to enhance collaboration. As we engage in the practice of understanding and respecting others’ perspectives, we open the doors of our minds to a broader level of mindfulness. This cultivates EQ because you will become adept at understanding your colleagues’ needs, concerns, and aspirations. Simply Psychology’s August 18, 2023, article states that EQ can be improved. This inclusivity leads to more innovative solutions and richer collaborations.
  • Departmental/Organizational Success: When communication is clear, associates better understand their roles, responsibilities, and goals. Clarity reduces and minimizes errors and enables the ability to focus on the task rather than the potential misunderstanding. This creates quicker decision-making in situations and allows more room for strategy and execution. It improves performance and the overall well-being and engagement of the team’s or organization’s success.

The Application

Below are five common opportunities to effectively improve your ability to relate to colleagues. Please realize that there is no perfect formula or solution to eliminate miscommunication with others completely. These are tools to aid in the communication journey. Humans are individually complex; therefore, we must approach each person and situation appropriately.

1. Language, Names and Terminology:

The usage of certain words, phrases, and name context can become the cornerstone to building respect and trust from a colleague. This may seem like a minor infringement, but it can yield a significant relationship unravelment if it is not addressed properly.

  • TIPS: Be mindful of words and terms that can impact communication and the level of perceived respect needed from others. Be mindful of the evolution of meanings and phrases with different current meanings. Idioms and phrases are not only distracting and can hinder understanding, but they can also be offensive.
  • EXAMPLE: When addressing colleagues, use their preferred names and pronunciations to show respect. Names can reflect cultural values and connect a person to their heritage, identity, and individuality. Minimize the usage of phrases and idioms by describing the situation instead. We naturally try to find creative ways to help short-cut explanations. Unfortunately, if others don’t have the same context or experience as you, it hinders instead of enhances the conversation.

2. Active Listening:

Active listening is the awareness and complete focus on the person speaking. It involves seeking understanding and clarification, not passively hearing the information relayed.

  • TIPS: Focus on understanding the speaker’s perspective rather than assuming or interrupting their thought. During meetings, paraphrase what others have said to ensure you understand their points accurately before responding. When paraphrasing, use your own words without additional commentary, and do not repeat what the speaker said verbatim.
  • EXAMPLE: One way to start the paraphrase is by saying, “I want to make sure that I understand and meet your expectations…”. This is a great way to start because it first clearly states your intentions and gives the reason for paraphrasing the topic.

3. Minimize Assumptions:

People verbally and non-verbally convey messages all the time when they interact with us. Sometimes, these interactions clash with our perception, causing us to receive their comments negatively. These crossroads are what I call “bridge moments” in my book Perspectives. Bridge moments are when a speaker says something that just doesn’t “sit right with you,” and you get slightly offended or perplexed by the comment. A bridge moment is when you have the choice to speak up for clarification or say nothing. If the bridge is not taken, it leaves your perspective of them to speculation and assumption. Being courageous to speak up and clarify may be the connection needed for the relationship to thrive.

  • TIPS: Adhere to the baseline belief that everyone doesn’t perceive a situation as you do. You can have the same or different background, education, and experiences, and a person may not share the same conclusion or sentiment as you.
  • EXAMPLE: Avoid jumping to conclusions by asking to clarify. You can start by saying, “Help me understand, when you said _____, what did you mean?”

4. Be Interested:

This is the mindset of genuinely having the desire to listen and learn from others regardless of who they are. Respecting and treating the person how they want to be treated and recognized. Cultivating a curiosity to know someone more than pleasantries helps them feel valued and builds rapport. Additionally, being genuinely interested creates a higher level of understanding and increases your chances of granting them kindness if misunderstandings arise.

  • TIPS: Give your undivided attention when you are conversing. Eliminate distractions when talking with someone. While talking with someone, ask open-ended questions. Open-ended questions encourage the other person to share more information about themselves and their experiences. You know you have asked an open-ended question when they can’t respond with a simple “yes” or “no” to your question.
  • EXAMPLE: How do you give undivided attention? If someone approaches you and you are working on something, gently tell them to give you a few minutes to complete the current task. Then, eliminate remaining distractions. Examples could be silencing your phone or placing it face down.  Having them begin the conversation while you are trying to “finish up” may cause you to miss the most critical element they are trying to convey. When a person speaks, explore with one more open-ended question like, “What does that look like for you?” This question will help you understand in more detail what they are envisioning.

5. Adapt Style:

In today’s work world, context can be lost easily because of the different modes of communication, from virtual meetings, phone calls, emails, and texts. We must find a way that the person can fully understand and contextualize what you are saying. Consider your audience, from generational preferences to individuals having impairments to each person’s preferred communication style.

  • TIPS: When speaking, vary your different communication methods during the conversation. Remember, thoughts are conveyed non-verbally as well. From auditory, visual, and actual physical demonstration. The mirroring technique is an additional way of adapting to the listeners and establishing rapport. APA (Association of Psychology) says mirroring reflects or emulates someone’s speech, affect, behavior, or other qualities. The mirror technique creates a bond, an unconscious engagement, and empathy with the other person.
  • EXAMPLE:  When at all possible, have your camera on during virtual meetings. Mirroring is not mocking a person’s behavior. It can simply be affirmed by nodding your head while listening, giving the personal space a person is reflecting, or matching your rate of speech and tone. Another example is during meetings, grab a sheet of paper and draw or map out the explanation instead of a verbal description.

The Outcome

What do you want to accomplish in your communication? What are your key objectives when you speak with someone? Is it for them to only understand you? Do you also want to understand them? What outcomes do you desire? Incorporating the tips above into your daily communication has tangible outcomes, with each yielding a different value. Answering the question “What do I want to accomplish in this communication exchange?” will help you determine which and how many techniques you utilize.

The Conclusion

In a world where professional interactions span diverse perspectives, embracing multi-layered communication isn’t just a choice—it’s a necessity. As we engage with colleagues and clients from various backgrounds, let’s seize every opportunity to connect, enriching our careers and lives in the process.

Incorporating sensitivity into our communication principles isn’t just about improving outcomes; it’s about fostering an environment of respect and understanding. As we move forward, let’s carry with us the commitment to honor the tapestry of viewpoints that shapes our community.

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